Welcome to my blog! On these pages you can find all the information you need about my thesis on "Games, culture and education". Please feel free to leave any comment, suggestion...
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Thank you!

Monday 5 September 2011

Working on my thesis: update 1.

Hello to anyone who is interested,

I am currently working on the first part of my thesis. It will be focussed on "video games" (not yet on culture or education) and some of the topics I am currently researching are: what exactly is a video game? ; what types of games exist? ; a short history of the medium video games ; the impact of games on our current society ; ...

This part is already taking a lot of time to complete. Especially defining exactly what a video game is has more elements / challenges to it than I originally thought.

Today I researched "video game genres". I found out that there is a lot of vague, confusing and dynamic terminology about this subject. After some investigation I found a very useful classification system, devised by the editors of escapistmagazine.com: the Escapist's Genre Wheel (*) .
It is very useful to classify existing and future games and video game genres.
The classification system is based on two axes: action - strategy and exploration - conflict. These are the core gameplay elements of every game or genre. To find out more about this system you can visit the creators' website (link at the bottom).

This system has helped me a lot because it offers a definite classification of existing games and genres. If I use a term during my these that involves video game genres, every reader will know what I am talking about. The arbitrary labels and terms that are so widespread, will not be a problem in my thesis.

If you have any recommendations for the other subjects, you can always leave a comment. Thank you!

My apologies for the slow updates, but I am currently very busy. I will try to update more often in the future.

Kind regards,
Cools Jeroen

(*): http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/issues/issue_283/8400-Introducing-The-Escapist-s-Genre-Wheel

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